Myodesopsia: Why Do You See Strange, Floating Objects Every Time You Wake Up?
Posted by: Cape Fear Retina in Blog

If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious.
Seeing large numbers of floaters and flashing lights may indicate a problem with the eye’s retina. Retinal damage can be potentially lead to a total or partial loss of sight without immediate treatment.
Find out more about myodesopsia and how to treat and manage it effectively below.
How and Why Does Myodesopsia Develop?
As you age, you experience some changes in your eyes that affect how well objects, words, colors, and shapes appear to you. The changes you go through can also weaken how the tissues and fluids in your eyes function, including the gel inside the vitreous cavity. The vitreous cavity is located between the lens and retina of your eye.
The cavity contains a special substance called vitreous. As a child and young adult, vitreous has the consistency of jelly or gelatine. But as you reach middle age, most of the substance becomes thin and watery. The pieces of vitreous that don’t liquify float around inside the vitreous cavity. The pieces become floaters.
Floaters can take many shapes, including squiggly lines, cobwebs, dark or light spots and flecks. Floaters are actually the “shadows” of broken pieces of vitreous traveling across the retina. The retina is a tissue that receives, processes, and transmits light. Objects that block light from reaching the retina can appear as shadows or ghosts.
As an age-related problem, myodesopsia doesn’t always cause problems for the people it affects. However, the condition can become upsetting if it occurs regularly, or if the floaters increase in number and frequency. The increase in floaters may indicate that the vitreous cavity is pulling away from your retina.
In addition, the condition can also become a major issue if it causes light to flash before your eyes. This problem generally occurs when the retina suddenly pulls or tears away from the back of the eye. A damaged retina can cause a partial or full loss of sight. If you see flashes of light as well as multiple floaters, seek eye or medical care immediately.
Now that you have a better understanding of how and why you see floaters, you can take the appropriate steps to treat them.
What Are the Treatment Options for Myodesopsia?
Although myodesopsia is an age-related eye problem, it’s still essential that you see an optometrist or ophthalmologist for care. An eye doctor will generally examine the vitreous cavities in both your eyes. Floaters can affect both eyes over time.
Additionally, the exam can help a doctor detect critical changes in your retinas. Myodesopsia may not be the only problem you have with your retinas. Macular degeneration is an age-related eye condition that can cause blindness.
The treatment options for myodesopsia may depend on the extent, numbers, and frequency of your floaters. If your floaters prevent your retinas from receiving any light, an eye doctor may schedule you for a vitrectomy. The procedure allows an eye surgeon to physically remove the solid pieces of vitreous from your eyes.
If the retina in your eye or eyes is damaged or torn, a doctor may use laser surgery to reattach or seal it. The surgery keeps you from losing your eyesight.
If you wish to learn more about the floating objects in your eyes, contact the eye doctors at Cape Fear Retinal Associates for an appointment.